Anti-bullying bracelets also work for victims of sexual violence

The law of the ‘only if yes’ extended the scope of those telematic tracking devices that until now were operative only for aggressors within the scope of the partner or ex-partner

Victims of sexual violence in Spain will now have the opportunity to have their attackers wear a tracking device, known as anti-abuse bracelets. This measure, which has been in use since 2009 for victims of domestic violence, is the only 100% effective measure in gender violence, as no woman wearing it has been murdered. The Ministry of Equality has extended the use of these devices to control sentences and precautionary measures of prohibition of approach, and also prohibitions of approach imposed as a condition in the suspension of the execution of prison sentences. The devices have also been updated to resemble a mobile phone, allowing video calls between victims and the Control Center, and the sending of images. They also include improvements for people with disabilities, such as an additional SOS button


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