Soraya Casla, oncological exercise specialist: «Physical activity increases survival by up to 40%»

The researcher details how to prepare after the diagnosis of a tumor to face treatments and reduce the risks of relapses and other diseases

Soraya Casla, a 36-year-old doctor in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, has been investigating the benefits of physical exercise on cancer patients for over a decade. Despite evidence showing its positive impact on survival rates, preventing relapses, and improving quality of life, physical exercise was not considered a therapeutic tool in Spain. After training as an oncological exercise specialist in various countries, she returned to Spain and started integrating personalized exercise programs into patients’ treatments in 2015. She currently runs a specialized center and has published a book titled «Ante el cáncer, muévete». Her work demonstrates that physical exercise increases survival rates and reduces the side effects of cancer treatments. It also helps prevent other diseases that can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle. The exercise protocols are tailored according to the patient’s level, disease stage, and functional limitations. Patients who exercise after diagnosis increase their survival rates by 30% to 40%, and the probability of cancer recurrence, developing secondary tumors, or other metabolic problems is reducedPhysical exercise is also linked to the prevention of up to 26 types of tumors


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