Emily Nagosky, sexologist: «Yes, please, talk among yourselves about your sex life» 

The American expert, an editorial phenomenon with her first book, explains in the second one with science and humor the mysteries of female sexuality and how to keep the passion alive in stable couples

Starting an interview by asking a stranger about their sex life may seem odd, but Emily Nagosky takes it in stride. Nagosky, a self-proclaimed «sex nerd» and author of books like «Come Together» and «Come as You Are,» has spent years breaking down taboos about female sexuality. Despite her expertise, she faced personal sexual difficulties, which she tackled by delving into peer- reviewed research. Her findings challenged common narratives about keeping the «spark» alive in relationships, with her asserting that pleasure, not desire, is at the heart of good sex. She also popularized the idea of libido being like a car, with an accelerator for erotic stimuli and a brake for distractions. In her view, most women’s issues with arousal and pleasure come from pressing the brake due to stress, work, societal pressures, or other factors. Nagosky likens sexuality to a garden, a concept she explores in her new book. She believes that everyone’s «sexual garden» is unique and should be cultivated, not treated as a problem. The author identifies three common traits in couples with strong sexual connections: they are friends, they prioritize sex, and they focus on what works for them personally rather than societal expectations. She also acknowledges that sex is a social behavior and that pornography plays a role in shaping perceptions about sex – a fact she believes underscores the need for open conversations and quality sex education


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