We stand up: for a food model focused on people and the earth 

We stand up: for a food model focused on people and the earth 

Organizations in favor of agroecology and the fight against climate change call for addressing agricultural sector issues while advocating for environmental care

This opinion piece is written by representatives of organizations part of «Nos Plantamos«, an alliance advocating for food sovereignty. The group comprises farmers and individuals who support sustainable farming and prioritize the care of the environment and rural areas. Recently, thousands of tractors took to the roads to illustrate the numerous challenges facing the agricultural sector. The current agricultural model and its policies and structure are failing, leading to an eruption of issues in the field. The rights of those who cultivate the land are trampled upon, favoring large food chains and leading to an unsustainable situation for farmers. The ongoing rural crisis and depopulation are not new issues, but the result of decades-long problems primarily caused by commercialization. In response, farmers have been forced to adapt to this suffocating environment, leading to the closure of hundreds of thousands of family farms and forcing these individuals to live on insufficient income. The ongoing climate crisis is further exacerbating these problems, necessitating an adaptation of the current model. To address these issues, it is crucial to confront the manipulative attempts of the «anti-politics» and the far-right to delegitimize the legitimate demands of the agricultural sector. The authors call for the construction of alliances to take action and advance public policies that support a sustainable, agroecological-based food system. They emphasize the need for fair market regulation, fair prices, and reduced administrative burden for farmers. Lastly, they stress the importance of achieving a just transition towards agroecology and ecological practices, including sufficient budgeting and equitable distribution within the Common Agricultural Policy


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