Judit Carrera, director of the Center for Contemporary Culture in Barcelona: «Freedom is our most precious asset» 

First woman at the helm of the CCCB, on the 30th anniversary of the institution emphasizes the success of the model and highlights its willingness to dialogue 

Judit Carrera, a 49-year-old from Barcelona, has been connected to the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) for 20 years and has been its director for the last five. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the CCCB is an integral part of the city’s cultural life. Carrera’s empathetic, curious, and enthusiastic personality contributes to the institution’s success. She has the ability to promote a model she firmly believes in and navigate the complex cultural landscape of Barcelona with caution, sensibility, and intelligence. Carrera’s leadership style reflects the wisdom and prudence of Minerva, the daughter of Jupiter in Roman mythology. She cites Habermas, Hannah Arendt, Bauman, Sennett among her intellectual influences. Carrera studied Politics and pursued her doctorate in Sciences Po in Paris. She worked at UNESCO, focusing on analyzing global cultural and educational trends. On returning to Barcelona, she met Ramoneda, the creator and first director of the CCCB, and began collaborating with the institution. She took over as director in 2018. The CCCB is a pioneering model, a multidisciplinary space aimed at generating critical debate about the contemporary world, with a special focus on the city.

The institution is deeply rooted in Barcelona’s tradition of urbanism and architecture, cultural capital, Mediterranean influence, and multilingualism. CCCB is a consortium led by the Barcelona Provincial Council, which contributes 75% of its funding, while the rest is covered by the City Council. The institution’s independence is highly respected. Carrera emphasizes that the CCCB is both cosmopolitan and rooted in its local context. It works with creators worldwide and with local associations. The core essence of the CCCB is collaboration and inclusiveness. CCCB, which has hosted 186 exhibitions, trusts in the intelligence of its audience. It has an intergenerational and open approach and is not confined to a specific group. The institution has welcomed 11 million visitors over the years, half to exhibitions and half to other activities. Despite facing some challenges, such as the departure of Sónar and the expulsion of associated collectives in 2021, the CCCB remains a crucial part of Barcelona’s cultural ecosystem.


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