A millionaire family cancer project wants to get thousands of people out of «genetic purgatory»

The research, involving nine Spanish centers, seeks to identify mutations that cause a higher incidence of cancer than usual in some 300 families

Carlos Róspide and his family are part of a project by the Institute of Health Carlos III in Spain, which is seeking to understand the genetic causes of cancer in families. Róspide and three of his five siblings have been diagnosed with different types of cancer, suggesting a hereditary pattern. However, traditional genetic tests have not been conclusive. The project, involving nine research centres and funded with over three million euros, aims to study not only common genes but the entire DNA of about 300 families in similar situations. The goal is to develop tools that can help doctors make decisions in the future. According to the National Health System, between 10% and 15% of tumours have a familial or hereditary component. 


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