Roca Rey, exuberant and resounding 

The Peruvian bullfighter outshines his colleagues in front of a very manageable but weak Jandilla bullfight. 

Roca Rey and the third bull of the afternoon, ‘Leguleyo‘, sparked a frenzy during the festive public event. Leguleyo, a 530-kilogram Jandilla bull, was skillfully managed by the Peruvian matador from the start. Despite the initial mock fight, the bull proved to be a formidable adversary, always faithful to the deception, repeating and taking long strides at the end of each ‘muletazo‘. Roca Rey completed the spectacle with his signature style, sending the crowd into a frenzy. The audience pleaded for Leguleyo’s’ pardon and Roca, amidst the general ecstasy, hesitated to deliver the killing blow. However, he was repeatedly ordered to do so from the box and eventually complied. The event ended in collective madness as ‘Leguleyowas led around the ring. After winning the grand entrance, Roca kneeled to receive the sixth bull, a gesture of self-respect. The Jandilla bull was good, although it threatened to seek the boards halfway through the fight. Roca did not spare any effort and managed to produce some brilliant moments despite the series not being completely successful. The bullfighter’s vibrant and unequivocal personality remained intact. The first bull of the afternoon was also appreciated for its correct presentation and good condition. It allowed Manzanares to perform comfortably without much commitment. The crowd, generous and appreciative, requested a trophy for Manzanares after a successful series of moves, and it was awarded. The fourth bull was barely able to keep up, and Manzanaresperformance was a struggle. The situation ended without much fanfare. The second bull was greeted by Talavante with three standing lanterns. Despite the bull’s mediocre presence and energy, Roca Rey had time to perform a striking combination of chicuelinasand tafalleras. The fifth bull was the tame one of the day, fleeing from the horse at the feel of the iron and not allowing Talavante to settle in the fight, which turned into a meaningless struggle. In the morning, the traditional ‘rejoneocelebration took place with a good turnout. Bulls from Fermin Bohórquez were played, providing good entertainment. Sergio Galán, Lea Vicens and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza all received applause and awards. The bulls from Jandilla and Vegahermosa were justly presented and of little strength. The third bull, which performed well in the muleta‘, was given a lap of honor. José María Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante, and Roca Rey all received accolades for their performances. The event took place at Plaza de Valencia on March 17, during the seventh Fallas bullfight, which was completely sold out


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