Today, more than ever, women give meaning to the fashion communication format. In the podcast, they share personal stories and provide unique perspectives that enrich the audio-cultural landscape. Podimo, committed to diversity, gives the microphone to the most talented creators, exploring genres such as entertainment, art, true crime, health, and motherhood.
Women have found a valuable opportunity to break centuries of silence and invisibility in the thriving podcast industry. This platform has allowed women’s voices to make a strong impact in traditionally male–dominated sectors such as research, science, and journalism, beyond March 8th. These soundscapes not only amplify their often underestimated experiences and subjectivities but also serve as a powerful speaker reaching a larger audience. As women consolidate their presence, they significantly contribute to the growth of content on platforms. Podimo, the leading Danish platform for podcasts and audiobooks, stands out for its excellence and diversity. Aware of the importance of challenging gender stereotypes and breaking barriers in traditionally male areas, it offers its microphones to the best female creators.
These are some of the podcasts redefining the national landscape. «Queridas Hermanas,» presented by content creator and producer Sindy Takanashi, informs and entertains without forgetting social consciousness. Takanashi, who defines herself as «claiming and obsessive,» shares reflections and addresses her obsessions, making complex realities and situations visible. In «Tú de ciencias y yo de letras,» Hiperactina (Sandra Ortonobes, scientific disseminator) and Linguriosa (Elena Herraiz, linguistic disseminator) discuss everyday topics from their specialized perspectives. With a relaxed approach full of laughter, they answer interesting and curious questions we’ve all asked at some point. «Bestias,» hosted by Beatriz de Vicente, a criminal lawyer, criminologist, and communicator, guides listeners into unexplored territory of crimes. Martha Caballero, a content creator and true crime specialist, proposes a journey through the world’s darkest and most dangerous cults in «Únete a nosotros.» «La vida secreta de las madres» is a podcast about what happens to mothers while they are mothers. Andrea Ros, actress and perinatal disseminator, and Paola Roig, perinatal psychologist, have sincere conversations about what the arrival of a baby implies. «Malas Personas,» presented by comedian and screenwriter Victoria Martín, addresses the nuances of morality and suggests listeners reflect on the complexity of human nature. From their dwelling in Olympus, the self-proclaimed goddesses Henar Álvarez, a Spanish screenwriter, director, and comedian, and Judith Tiral, a YouTuber and disseminator, discover the deepest, fascinating, and sometimes ridiculous corners of the topics that define humanity today and always. In «Así me siento yo,» Esther Gómez, a nurse and university professor, investigates both perspectives: that of the patient sharing diseases and experiences, and the voice of the health expert. The purpose is to visualize, humanize, and generate a positive impact on the population, to show that nothing is as perfect as it is shown in social networks or the media.